Our News

The Association for Natural Language Processing

The 24th Annual Conference, 2018

One of the world's most important conferences in artificial intelligence research collected technology authorities. Sujitech shared their studies in voice synthesis system. We can potentially employ this technology in creating Anime characters. May this create a new way of composition?

hack.init() will be held soon in Shanghai


Sujitech sponsors hack.init()——China's premier youth hackathon. It will kick out from July 8 to July 9, 2017. We are bringing together 300 talented young people from high schools and universities with their brightest minds across the country to Shanghai. They can share and fully exploit their minds. We welcome the participant warmly and emphasize on cultural diversity and fusion together.

Partners Meeting of FREES Fund

Suji on the Annual Meeting of 2017

FREES Fund, the investor of Sujitech held 2017 Annual Partners Meeting of FREES Fund. 30 attendants from investment and startup companies exchanged their ideas in the most cutting-edge areas.

GMIS 2017


Global Machine Intelligence Summit (GMIS) is a top summit in China held by SYNCED. This year there are two main parts in GMIS: Sessions with six different themes and Intelligence Machine Exhibition (IME).

Suji will be the panelist of Session: AI Globalization.

Get in touch

US Office
Sujitech, LLC.
907 W Marketview Dr, Ste. 10 #300 Champaign, IL, 61822-1227
Japan Office
東京都文京区本郷三丁目 16-6本郷コンドミニアム801号室